Privacy Policy
This website was created, and is fully managed, by a single individual: me. It is effectively a blog where I, the author, publish articles entirely curated by me, of which content and frequency are entirely at my discretion. Any information found on this website should not be claimed as a source for any external publication unless the author, or authors, of said publication are willing to accept the possibility that said information might be partially, or entirely, incorrect. This website is not a newspaper, nor a history book, nor am I a historian. I encourage any visitors to contact me should they be made aware of any incorrect statement found in any of the articles published in this website, I'll be more than happy to correct them.
Furthermore, this website will never ask you, the visitor, to input any information nor to engage in any capacity whatsoever beyond that of being able to read its content, which is, and always will be, unconditionally free. Data pertaining the traffic to this website is gathered automatically by Wix.com via cookies, as stated in the banner you, the visitor, are presented with when you first visit this website, and this data is then presented to me via the Wix Dashboard interface as a way to keep an eye on all sorts of analytics (geographical origin of the incoming traffic being the main one). That is the extent of the data collection employed by this website.
If you have any further questions about data collection or privacy policies enacted by this website you can email me at: joanlivesorganization@gmail.com