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It's been almost 600 years since Joan of Arc was brutally executed. What is left for us to ponder about her now? What is her legacy? Joan was stoic, the ultimate go-getter in a bleak world torn by war and turmoil. A lot has changed in six centuries, and a lot hasn't. Humanity has always been nothing but a wordplay, a portmanteau between the words humor and insanity. Was Joan insane? Joan was a riddle, she was the riddle, one that could not be cracked by friends or foe of her time, one that remains unsolved to this day. However high the flames that consumed Joan's body might have been, they could never be as bright as the flames she had behind her eyes. Those flames are everlasting, they will forever burn inside the hearts and minds of those who remember her. The men who murdered Joan are long gone, but Joan is not. Joan's legacy endures. Joan lives.
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